Hooking agents + fans with chic branding and strategic design.
2 months
Brand, UX Designer
Project Type
Brand concept + Responsive portfolio
Shai Cross, NYC-based artist

Sha'Darrion Warfield-Cross, or Shai, is an actor, singer, model that has relocated to NYC to pursue a career in the entertainment industry in a larger market. Though she has years of experience, she doesn’t have any way to organize and showcase it. She wants a responsive website to organize her versatile skillset, achievements, and depth of experience in a clean, professional, and efficient way and appeals to casting agents, talent buyers, and fans alike.
This case study walks through my processes while building a brand and a responsive website that showcases her versatile set of skills and personality in an efficient way, in order to leave a memorable first impression as she begins her journey to stardom.
Problem Space
An new industry standard for up-and-coming artists is a simple and to the point Link-tree with all necessary links in complete focus. We played off of this to create the initial landing page.
Linktree-like landing page
In order to help Shai showcase her experience, versatility, and passion we incorporated real testimonials from colleagues and quotes from Shai herself.
Testimonials + Quotes

While the homepage will introduce each of Shai's showcased talents, we also built 3 additional pages personalized and catered to each respective targeted user.
Interactive pages personalized to each skill
We made it easy to reach Shai with a contact form that is accessible from anywhere on the site in the main navigation.
Contact form
Brief overview of the solution
In order to determine the most effective solution, I conducted Secondary Research, a Competitive Analysis, and interviewed industry professionals and fans about their perspectives in booking, connecting with artists, and visiting artist websites. The client had a clear vision for what they were interested in but I felt it was still important to get insights on how to best bring that vision to life.
I primarily looked into the digital experiences and expectations of 4 different users: Casting Agents, Talent Buyers, fans, and fellow artists. Overall, I concluded that people admire artists that are vulnerable, raw, authentic and have something to say. We need to helps users see that Shai is a multi-talented, approachable, and authentic professional. According to each user group:
Research insights
1. Versatility
2. Professionalism with style
3. Approachability & Authenticity
4. Easily reachable
Link-tree-like landing page
Pages for acting, singing, modeling experiences
Variety of high-quality content in gallery page
Organization + simplicity
Press page
High-quality performance images
About page with timeline showing her journey
Events calendar
Livestreams and direct messaging with fans
Expressive, high-quality images
Contact form
Events calendar
Social media links
Key Insights
"Love when they give it their all, but also are humble enough to know that they have room to learn."
- Artist
"[When you can't reach an artist directly, it's so frustrating.] I don't want to send a contact form into the void."
- Talent Buyer
"They want to see what the show would be like with you in it. 'We want to see you in your element.'"
- Artist, on their experience with Casting Agents
"It doesn't matter if you hit the notes...it matters if I can form a personal connection with you."
- Fan
After narrowing down and prioritizing the need-to-have features for this site iteration, I determined it was best to showcase the following:
Research-backed wireframes


Brand Adjectives
Sexy, Hot, Pretty
Seasoned, Experienced
Desired brand personality
"She's so hip & cool, but approachable."
"She just seems like a real person."
"Dang she's hot! She got a nice face."
Poppins Medium
Poppins Light
Bellede Mai 4 0 Heavy
Bellede Mai 4 0 Regular
We started defining the brand with a series of personal questions covering inspiration, connections, and memories that led to the potential stage name: Sha'Dare.
A very important piece of Shai's brand was finding the in-between of sexy and approachability. The brand was built to encompass her personality as Shai Cross and the alter-ego presence that she wanted to bring to the stage: Sha'Dare.
Defining the brand and user interface.
A research-backed product.