Expanding artist revenue streams with feature adds
1 month
Product Designer
Project Type
Feature add to mobile application
Academic, Spotify
**Since completing this project a few of the feature ideas (artist stories, notifications when an artist has an upcoming show near you, tabs on profiles) I had conceptualized made it into the actual Spotify application. These updates took place after this case study was completed. But it does feel gratifying to have come to some of the same conclusions and solutions the Spotify team did.**

Since launching in 2006, Spotify has been pleasing listeners with playlists, instant access to music, and easy-to-use UI, but has fallen short in creating a space for artists to generate substantial income from the streaming of their music.
Listeners want to use the familiar and convenient Spotify, but feel guilty that Spotify doesn't support artists well financially.
In this case study, you'll explore my thought processes while creating more opportunities for artists to generate income with 5 new feature concepts that deepen the connection between artists and their fans.
Problem Space
Brief overview of the solution
Brief overview of the solution
Inspired by the commonly-used phrase "I discovered that artist's growth on Spotify over time, and highlights the timeframe that the particular users first started following them. Not only are fans hungry for more personalized listening statistics, but this tab also further nurtures the relationship that the fan has already built with the artist.
More specific statistics
With the support button, users can support artists monthly (the amount is added to their Spotify subscription but is sent directly to the artist). Participation in this feature is optional and opens up the "Backstage" tab that offers a variety of content and a more direct link to the artists.
Easy-access support button

Users that choose to support artists monthly gain access to the Backstage tab. Here they are given a more clear connection to the artist and are granted the ability to view exclusive content straight from the artist.
Behind-the-scenes access
The Nearby feature appears when the artist is touring near you - at a driving distance or within the same state. With this feature, fans can take their virtual connection they feel with the artist and experience the ar
Nearby notifications
I pulled my research findings through ethnography because of the popularity of the platform. There is already so much information and expression publicly in forums and throughout the internet. I primarily referenced Spotify help + request forums. A competitive analysis allowed me to see why music listeners would choose any other streaming application. I also decided to utilize user interviews and generate my own original data to dive deeper into user behaviors and expectations associated with Spotify. I felt this also functioned as an expansion of my secondary research findings.
After compiling my research and locating trends, these are these main considerations in regards to benefiting the user experience.
Research insights
Key Insights
User's feel this is the app that almost "has it all" - except when it comes to artist compensation and consideration. User's need to feel proud of using the Spotify app over other streaming services - and that is only possible with more artist recognition and fair financial support.
1. Users want to support their favorite artists.
Spotify is the most popular streaming application, making it the most familiar to users. Just as users find comfort in the UI, they also usually find comfort in the same music and artists, expressing one of their favorite Spotify features is the personalized, curated playlists based of their taste in music.
2. Users want more personalized listening statistics.
Spotify is the most popular streaming application, making it the most familiar to users. Just as users find comfort in the UI, they also usually find comfort in the same music and artists, expressing one of their favorite Spotify features is the personalized, curated playlists based of their taste in music.
4. Users value familiarity.
People listen to music all day, everyday in every situation - oftentimes, alone. But it gives them a feeling of community. However, users tend to idiolize their favorite artists and musicians. This creates a disconnect between the two. We need to help users more easily relate to their favorite artists by seeing them as human.
4. Users want to deepen their connection with artists and other listeners.
Users all mentioned that they loved the way Spotify was laid out. However, people also often requested features that already existed in Spotify, as in, they didn't know the features were already available. We need to help users easily and intuitively navigate features and more easily understand the full extent of the applications capabilities.
5. Users need more intuitive UI and continued convenience.
Exclusive tab that fans pay for behind-the-scenes content
Easy-access to support options where fans can donate monthly
Ability to comment on artist tracks
Ensure the Spotify brand + functionality is carried over
Social stories only from verified artists
Listening statistics available year-round on user profile
Growth feature that ties the artist + fan's listening journey together
Tabs to easily navigate + find what users are looking for fast
Notify fans when the artist is nearby
Last Song played by the artist
An exclusive tab for fans that want a behind-the-scenes look into artist's lives
Profile theme song
Fan-rated albums
Curated playlist of people you follow
Condensing & applying insights
Introducing Ken
Introducing Jessica
While considering the project priorities, I determined the following features were most relevant and beneficial to the overall goals of this project.
Research-backed wireframes

To create a more fluid
experience while navigating Spotify's features, I re-organized profiles with a tabs feature.
Here is where users will be able to see when the
artist they love has a
show nearby. Following this button leads to easy access to tickets.
The Pledge Button allows users to add a designated amount on
to their monthly Spotify
subscriptions that goes
straight to the artist.

The Growth Over Time
tab is inspired by the common phrase:
"I discovered that artist!"
It displays listening statistics with a specific artist and shows the relationship between the artist and fan over time.

When a fan contributes a monthly financial pledge to an artist, they gain access to that artist's Exclusive Tab. With access, fans get a step closer to content straight from the artist.

Here's a look into the functionalities of this version of the Exclusive tab: messages and videos directly from the artist, first access to merchandise, and more.
The Last Played feature lets fans see what the artist is listening to on Spotify.

Applying existing branding.
Testing the features
I conducted usability testing with 5 participants and experienced 3 repeated points of frustration:
1. What was the exclusive tab and how did it work?
2. They didn't feel motivated at all to pay for 'exclusive access' because they didn't even understand it.
3. Overall, they felt 'pledge' and 'exclusive' could be replaced with more inclusive and clear terminology.
It was no surprise that I needed to spend more time clarifying and refining the most complicated feature: the Exclusive tab. I broke the above frustrations into four different prioritized fixes.
01. Pricing not clear for Exclusive tab
02. Confused by what the Exclusive tab is and does
03. Exclusive tab "dashboard" needed better visual hierarchy
04. Some titles and wording were off-putting or confusing
My solution: Change "Pledge" to "Support" , "Exclusive" to "Backstage" , "Growth over time" to "Artist Growth"
04. Some titles and wording were off-putting or confusing

01. Pricing is not clear for the Exclusive tab
My solution: Add easy pricing tiers with detailed descriptions of what's included

My solution: Provide preview slides like a tutorial, add More Info option
02. Confused by what the Exclusive tab is and does

My solution: Add color to differentiate necessary functions
03. Exclusive tab "dashboard" needed better visual heirarchy

A research-backed, proven product.
During my research phase, all interviewees had expressed that the Spotify app is "near perfect." It was challenging to pull insights out of research findings that that weren't as straight forward and brainstorming features for an app that users say "has everything."
My Challenges
It just so happens that the greatest challenge of this project was my favorite part. This project helped me realize how passionate I am about diving deep into user research, analyzing different perspectives, and being the voice of the user.